List of links
Pages Junes
The directory of professionals who trade in June
Ğsper is a tool to regain access to your account Ğ1 when you only vaguely remember the username / password pair.
New exchange platform using Ğchange data
Enchanted Forest - ASTROPORT PROJET
Experience report of the "Geconomicus" IRL in mixed part €/G1 organized by the MadeInZion foundation
Integrable finance bar
No description
Official June Media Git Repository
You will find flyers, logos and visuals
Gecko Web
Proof of concept of the web version of gecko to monitor Gdev
Introduction to Free Money
Lecture by PJ CHANCELLIER on the theme of free money
Tool to see the availability of Duniter nodes
Ğ1 cards
Loyalty card generator
Clothing, fashion and accessories in free currency. Give a second life to your wardrobe in free money !
Wotwizard UI
A wotwizard interface under development
Predictive tool for Web of trust entrances or exits.
Duniter official Site
Official Duniter website. It has its own forum and git.
Map of Monnaie Libre
Map showing members, local groups and events
Free Currency Meetings
No description
Create codebars for G-market
Quizz of Denis La Plume
Ces quiz n'ont pas pour vocation d'asséner la vérité. En revanche, ils ont pour but de provoquer la réflexion sur des sujets le plus souvent méconnus.
Web of trust visualization tool
This tools allows you to find a special public key with certain patterns and gives password for it.
Watchit & Resync
Very useful little scripts to verify that duniter is running, and to restart it if it is stopped. The synchronization is done by itself. Automatic line return A "must have" on server.